Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Week 5 started with a very nice post by Nathan Lowell
and Julie Lindsay's presentation 'Weblogs and Student Portfolio Projects Why and How to Implement Them .'

I missed the session. I could not log in. I read the script of her presentation which was uploaded to the Files area of the weblogging group.

Her students " have developed their online digital portfolios by following the portfolio development process of planning, collecting and selecting, reflecting, designing and evaluating their work with support from both the online and face-to-face classroom communities."

She adds:

'the difference I see with the students is that they 'blog' for their process journal. And they join discussion 'blogs' for required peer assessment and other work as part of their curriculum'.... Students are using for process journaling

.... as part of ICT they must keep a process journal to discuss progress, problems, evaluations, etc...This becomes their 'private' place to store ideas and thoughts to do with their work....'


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