Monday, March 21, 2005

Podcasting News

Here's a good source of some free
audio files and clips:

The Daily Idiom

Idiom and slang podcast lessons for learners of English at the intermediate to advanced level:

Each lesson focuses on one idiom or slang expression.


Podcasting Graphics

Saturday, March 19, 2005

... and how to use it.

Check out my Class Blog at:

Sunday, March 13, 2005

What is PubSub?

"PubSub is a matching service that instantly notifies you when new content is created that matches your subscription. Using a proprietary Matching Engine, PubSub is able to read millions of data sources on your behalf and notify you instantly whenever a match is made."

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

David Tosh, Ben Werdmuller write:

"The e-portfolio is used as a skills checklist. Once the course is over, discontinued use; what a waste....."Creation of a learning landscape where learners engage in the whole process both academically and socially should increase the opportunity to build one's learning instead of just being the recipients of information."

"Incorporating weblogs, social networking and the e-portfolio to create a new learning landscape may fashion a system allowing the management of material and creation of public interfaces but also an opportunity for reflection, engagement and the formation of communities of learning and
socialising providing a means to promote deep learning."

Apcala is a new tool to explore:

"It has a powerful mix of access control, file repository, weblogging and social networking.
Apcala is about sharing experiences, ideas, information.
You can control every aspect of your apcala.
Upload video, audio, images and text - attach meta-data and tags to this work - share it within communities you build.
Apcala has the ability to search through blog postings, uploaded files and profiles. It is a complete online personal system. "

And the latest news from incorporated subversion

"Dave Tosh says in his comments
“We are planning to release the system as Open Source - hopefully by the end of this week, fingers crossed!”

Hopefully, by the end of the week we'll get something new to try.

Elgg open source

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Cyber Year Books

Do you feel like trying anything new? How about writing a Cyber Year Book? High School Year Books used to be very popular. Try to find your own Year Book. I know, you keep it somewhere !... Well, it might be in the basement... Have you checked there?...

Anyway, when you open your Year Book you may find the following pages:

Principle's Message
Editor's Message

Valedictory (if it's a grad class )
Class History
Class Prophecy

Congratulations to the Graduating Class

Greenie Babies (photos)
Future Plans:
Probable Destination:
Favourite Saying:
Present Love: (?)
Last Will and Testament

Staff (photos)

The Young and the Restless ( photos)
Can you Imagine?

Say Cheese! ( photos)
Smiles of the Century
Feeling like A Million...

Good Times ... Great Friends
Special Events
Top of the Class
House Crawl
Booze Cruise
Pub Crawl
Pub Crawlers
Super Dance

And the Winner is ...
Career Day

Add your own ideas. Your students may play with images, and try different writing styles. I think that would be a good place to start your project.