Sunday, April 17, 2005

Virtual Potluck

Susanne and I are preparing a Virtual Potluck session with my students. A 'virtual potluck' is an event without a planned menu. All or a least most of those attending, including my students , bring something of their choice for everyone to share. I know that Elizabeth ( hope she makes it ! ) is bringing a northwestern wild salmon with lemon-mustard-dill marinade ! Yummy!!!

Yes,... back to our potluck event! Susanne has been our Mystery Guest for a couple of weeks. She has been trying to raise the curiosity of my students and make them ask all sorts of questions to find out who she is. We've been sharing my Class Blog which is at: and this synch session which is going to take place on Tuesday, April 19 is a follow up activity.

We are going to use this experiment for Vance's session on April 30. Sus and I are in the middle of creating a PPP which will be used as a springboard to start the whole thing. Hope it works!


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